Thursday, October 20, 2011

:: Changes ::

Times are a changing! Fall is in full swing! God sure is an amazing artist! I have had the chance to soak up several beautiful afternoons and evenings in the crispy autumn air and this time outside brings such a smile to my soul! With the changing season, I find myself looking for change within. God, is this where you want me...right now...this direction? Is anyone else in this "season" right now? Looking for some insight. I am finding it hard to know if my strong desire for change is only self motivated or if it is God inspired. I am wondering if He is preparing me for something big, something new? In the past I have felt a sure sense of peace, despite some unhappy days, knowing I was right in the middle of where God wanted me to be. I felt my purpose. Now, I don't feel as sure. Am I in the dark right now? Through the up's & down's of several possible opportunities I have mainly felt peace. It is not often that I feel at peace with where I am or what I am doing. I feel comforted. At the same time, I still long for more...when will it be my turn? God~I want to follow the path you desire for me. 

Lord, LEAD ME!