Thursday, November 24, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Pushing, scratching and clawing my way out of mediocrity!

Have you ever felt like you were "just getting by?" As if years had passed by, but you hadn't accomplished what you had envisioned you would have accomplished by this time. We grow up hearing "make good grades, get a good job and you'll be set", is that really so true? NO, it is not! Set for what!? I am tired of chasing that invisible dream of job security and fulfillment in the worlds eye. I don't want to trade all my time for a little money. Relationships are what I want to build. There is a better way and I know it to be true! Why do I let fear hold me back? I have stifled my dreams for too long and it is the time to do something about it! I have no right to feel sorry for myself for the unhappy situation I am in if I am not doing what I know to do to make a change! How do you push yourself out of your comfort zone? The pain to change has been greater than the pain of staying the same...for way too long!   I am ready...I have got to do something now! Could use prayer from you dear friend, for courage, boldness, and perseverance to be consistent and follow through.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

:: Changes ::

Times are a changing! Fall is in full swing! God sure is an amazing artist! I have had the chance to soak up several beautiful afternoons and evenings in the crispy autumn air and this time outside brings such a smile to my soul! With the changing season, I find myself looking for change within. God, is this where you want me...right now...this direction? Is anyone else in this "season" right now? Looking for some insight. I am finding it hard to know if my strong desire for change is only self motivated or if it is God inspired. I am wondering if He is preparing me for something big, something new? In the past I have felt a sure sense of peace, despite some unhappy days, knowing I was right in the middle of where God wanted me to be. I felt my purpose. Now, I don't feel as sure. Am I in the dark right now? Through the up's & down's of several possible opportunities I have mainly felt peace. It is not often that I feel at peace with where I am or what I am doing. I feel comforted. At the same time, I still long for more...when will it be my turn? God~I want to follow the path you desire for me. 

Lord, LEAD ME!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Thankfulness. . .

This past week I was encouraged by a daily devotional I read as well as from my mom who had read that same devotional to really think about ALL that I am thankful for. What am I thankful for, that God has provided and blessed me with... So often I feel like we're all floating through life dwelling on what struggles and trials we are facing and battling anxiety, stress and tension. Today, I chose something different!

Some of the things I am thankful for:

Health-I am on a journey towards being a healthier, happier me. My desire for the future is to be the healthiest version of myself for myself and my family. I am able to work and help provide for my family. I have all my limbs, hair and teeth (plus much more!) that I can walk confidently into the world each day with a smile that shares the inner joy I have.

My Job-yes, I am thankful to have a job that helps me pay off my school debt so that I can get closer and closer to my ultimate goal : ) Yes, many days I battle mixed feelings with what job I have to do, but I have found peace in being sure that I know God has me where I am at for a reason in this time of my life. I know I am called to be a light in a dark place and to be Jesus to those I am around.

Our Home <3-it may not be may not be perfect...but it is ours! It holds many memories from the time I first met the man of my dreams to this very day. I feel safe, I feel peace, i feel comfortable..I feel home!

A Vehicle-how rarely do I think about how thankful I am to have my own car to drive! Because of God's blessings, I have the ability to get to work and any other function on my own, without relying on someone else or public transportation. I am so grateful!

A Family/In-laws/Heritage-Wow, this could be an endless topic! I am so thankful for Godly parents that loved me even on my bad days and taught me so much about life so that I could be someone of value and have something to offer this world. They prayed for me, nurtured me, encouraged me and loved me! Amazing in-laws are a true blessing as well! I couldn't ask for a better family to be involved in. What a Godly heritage they have that I admire so much. They have accepted me and welcomed me and loved me like their own. For that, I am so thankful!

Good Friends-are such a blessing in not only the fun and easy times in life, but it the trying, and troubling times. Thank you God for friends that have encouraged me with words of wisdom when I felt weak and couldn't see the next steps in front of me. Thank you for putting strong women in my life that we not afraid to speak the truth to me, even if they were afraid. Thank you for accountability, for acceptance, for love, for kindness and for the generous women you have placed in my life.

A Church Home-I don't even know where to begin explaining my thankfulness for our church family. I have never felt more included and welcomed than I have at CLC Piqua. The relationships we've built have touched me in ways I never could have predicted. I am so blessed and encouraged to be a part of serving with such strong leaders. It has been a journey of feeling extreme highs, celebrating God's faithfulness and blessings through our church and there have been extreme lows, where I have took on feelings I never knew I could feel for others. They are my "other" family!

My Husband, my love-I could go on and on expressing how extremely thankful I am that God has picked me to have the husband I do! Our relationship was unexpected, coming at such a pivotal  time in my life, but God had a plan for me...for us! It's only been a few years that we've been together, but we are learning and growing in our faith as well as our love for each other. I continue to pray for our future and the impact God will have in and through our lives. I am blessed immeasurably! 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Another fantastic weekend!

   Loving this cooler weather we've been having! So exciting looking forward to AuTuMn! Beautiful leaves, delicious food, hoodies and the crisp air!

   What a fun last weekend! Wishing I had some photo's to document the blast of a time us girls had a Kaylas! We all brought something yummy to share for dinner and enjoyed it out on her deck. The night went on to gathering in the living room chatting and having a great time growing our friendships. There was some dancing..some "games" and well I'm not sure what all else..haha, but it was a great time!
   Saturday I got the pleasure of going over to my wonderful sisters house to visit them on their first day home from the hospital! Do my delight, the surprised me with this adorable onesie!

Can I say how LuCkY I am to be the aunt of yet another beautiful gift from God! Wow! She's perfect! I could have stayed all day! In fact, I rescheduled some other plans I did have just to stay a while longer and help out : ) That evening we got to attend Arin and Sam's gorgeous wedding! Gotta say, it was one of the most creative styles of weddings I've ever attended!
   Sunday, ahh..the day of rest! After a fun morning helping out at Discovery Town and enjoying being in service (for the first time in months!) We enjoyed a restful afternoon with a nap! Boy, I can't remember the last time we've been able to have a free afternoon on the weekend to just relax! I feel blessed to have a job as well as extra work doing hair and weddings (which I love!), but it sure wears one out after a none stop run of it! Sunday evening we enjoyed dinner and time with friends from church. We are so thankful for such wonderful friends! I feel so blessed to have friends to lean on in hard times, to smile with in great times, and friends to laugh with..any day! Thank you God for your abundant grace! So many times I catch myself complaining about a job I don't enjoy when all I need to be doing is being thankful for a job to pay the bills so that we can live comfortably and be wise stewards with what Got has given us. Feeling loved <3 Feeling thankful : )

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Eliya Ann holding Lydia Grace <3

Briannah Nevaeh with her newest baby sister!

An exciting day!

Today I'm an aunt for the 7th time! So excited to meet miss Lydia Grace who was born today at 8:39am weighing 7lbs. 12oz. It's been hard to focus on much else today as I've wanted to be at the hospital celebrating with my beautiful sister and her family! I've found that through the years, as I've gotten older and now to this experience, I've anticipated and been so much more excited to receive a new little one in our family. Reasoning..hard to say? I can say that I feel so overwhelmed with joy that I get the blessing of being the sister to an amazing woman, Courtney Harshbarger! She's super mom! All the while she's been tending to her 10 and 4 year old girls, she's kept a garden, helped tremendously at her church, hand-made Lydia's diapers, helped with and encouraged Briannah in tending to her new rabbit for 4-H (which she will be showing at the Darke Co. Fair next week!!), prepared the babies room, and decided to take on, for the first time, homeschooling for miss Briannah as she begins 5th grade! WOW! How can one woman do so much!? I'm sure that doesn't even touch all the many things she does each day to provide and serve her family. All this to say, Courtney-my wonderful sister, I love you and look up to you in so many ways! I'm blessed to have you as a model of what a Godly wife & mother should be! You amaze me sis <3