Monday, November 14, 2011

Pushing, scratching and clawing my way out of mediocrity!

Have you ever felt like you were "just getting by?" As if years had passed by, but you hadn't accomplished what you had envisioned you would have accomplished by this time. We grow up hearing "make good grades, get a good job and you'll be set", is that really so true? NO, it is not! Set for what!? I am tired of chasing that invisible dream of job security and fulfillment in the worlds eye. I don't want to trade all my time for a little money. Relationships are what I want to build. There is a better way and I know it to be true! Why do I let fear hold me back? I have stifled my dreams for too long and it is the time to do something about it! I have no right to feel sorry for myself for the unhappy situation I am in if I am not doing what I know to do to make a change! How do you push yourself out of your comfort zone? The pain to change has been greater than the pain of staying the same...for way too long!   I am ready...I have got to do something now! Could use prayer from you dear friend, for courage, boldness, and perseverance to be consistent and follow through.

1 comment:

  1. Tori, wow, I have felt like that so many times. How to get out of your comfort zone, sigh, wish I could tell you. I was thinking the other day about how important it is that I want to stay home with my little ones. You know what if I have to sacrifice stuff, I just do. It is amazing how much we let what we think we should have according to the "world" influence us! Will pray for freedom for you, freedom to know the decision, and freedom after the decision is made! Love you! :)
